Published on agosto 18, 2023

Reduzca el tiempo de configuración y elimine los errores del usuario con el escáner de código de barras Heaford

With the Heaford Barcode Scanner you can experience heightened efficiency, streamline setup and minimise errors with the Heaford Barcode Scanner.

Elevate your motorised camera system’s capabilities by integrating the time-saving Heaford Barcode Scanner. This innovation facilitates the automatic input of mounting coordinates directly from the customer’s job file, securely stored within your company network.

Bid farewell to manual data entry – this cutting-edge solution spares mounter operators the task of inputting or selecting jobs on the mounter. As a result, setup times are reduced, and the risk of operator errors is completely eradicated.

This technology proves invaluable in instances where your primary mounter operator is unavailable. It empowers even those less familiar with the mounter to seamlessly execute mounting tasks, making transitions effortless and training for new operators a breeze.

Included within the package is a user-friendly Software ‘App.’ This tool enables swift job entry by either the customer’s pre-press department or the lead mounter, generating an .xml file along with a customisable job card featuring a unique barcode. Simplify your workflow and embrace precision with Heaford Barcode Scanner, haga clic aquí to get in touch and find out more.